Cloud Application Development Manager

Cloud Application Development

Cloud Development

Keeping track over the latest shifts in the world market, Elinext offers cloud computing development services to companies willing to optimize costs, increase competitiveness, achieve faster time to market, and ensure the ability to implement such trendy next-generation solutions as IoT and chatbots into their business strategies. Complimented with smart artificial intelligence and robotics, our solutions ensure the ability of our clients to capture the revenue opportunities of the future and enjoy all the cloud computing advantages.

Alexey Shliakhouski,
Chief Technology Officer
Elinext Cloud Computing Services
Our Services
Elinext provides a range of cloud application services to clients from different industries. Backed by years of experience, we offer our deep expertise in the following areas:
SaaS Application Development
Cloud Application Development & Testing
Migration and Integration
Consultation and Preplanning
Security Services
SaaS Application Development

Addressing the modern requirements for tooling-focused cloud application development, Elinext teams deliver SaaS solutions that have a high strategic value to our clients, enabling reduced time of development, providing a diverse set of resources readily available to address varied demands of different users, increasing employee engagement, and making it easier to deliver the necessary features and functionality to end-users.

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Cloud Application Development & Testing

Elinext teams develop and meticulously test both cloud-ready and cloud-centric applications, ensuring at every step that a solution developed fully corresponds to the modern requirements for a quality cloud-based app. Whether it is DMS, CMS, ERP, EAM, etc., we make it is flexible, scalable, easily maintainable, accessible, and secure. Besides, each solution is packed with all features working for our clients’ successful performance, including advanced analytic tools, smart chatbots, voice recognition — whatever is required.

Migration and Integration

Whether is a migration of your legacy system, CRM, ERP, etc. into a GCP, AWS, or Azure cloud platform or real-time integration with required data sources, we always ensure the preservation of your data integrity. Having rich experience in providing cloud migration and integration services, Elinext teams offer anything from assessing, re-engineering, and upgrading of our clients’ applications to their migration and porting.

Consultation and Preplanning

From consultations on which apps should migrate first and which to leave on-premises to pre-planning of migration and choosing a SaaS deployment model — Elinext has got you covered. With lots of successful migrations, integrations, and developed cloud-based apps in our portfolio, Elinext specialists easily identify all possible pitfalls of moving to the cloud, turning their experience into an enabler of well-planned and smooth migrations and integrations.

Security Services

Leveraging our expertise in providing security services, Elinext teams help clients to ensure the security of their cloud-based solutions by identifying all possible threats and risks. Along with applying an application-centric approach for the prevention and detection of threats, we put a great emphasis on remediation. Also, we always make sure our clients have a clear picture of their ongoing security posture, in this way increasing the protection against security breaches.

Areas Elinext Cloud Solutions Impact Most

Elinext deep expertise in cloud app development was formed due to our teams' involvement in a great variety of projects. Although cloud solutions we deliver to our clients are not limited by some specific areas, software developed by our cloud developers have the greatest impact on:
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Financial Services
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Addressing the most burning issue of modern healthcare — data storage, Elinext teams create cloud solutions that are capable of handling a tremendous amount of data. Complemented with AI and machine learning algorithms, our solutions produce invaluable for healthcare workers analytics.

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Financial Services

Ability to make more flexible choices, simplification of certain banking processes, as well as improved, positive customer experience — these and more advantages reach Elinext clients operating across the finance sector. Additionally, our solutions allow enjoying significant cost savings and provide the ability for IT specialists to dedicate their time and energy to innovation and fast delivery of products and services.

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Enabling real-time access to customer data, our cloud solutions work miracles to both retailers and e-commerce businesses. Cloud solutions developed by Elinext empower employees with advanced analytics tools, as well as allow instantly pull up the sales history of each customer, and check on the status of an order, irrespective of the channel.

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We have helped many businesses to upgrade communication and learning systems in the most cost-effective manner, simply with the help of cloud solutions. Offering scalability and elasticity, SaaS solutions we deliver become a perfect fit for addressing the trends and challenges our clients are facing.

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We deliver solutions that perfectly fit the needs of manufacturers who embrace machine-to-machine technology. With our software, manufacturers can not just collect data but instead gain actionable insights from it. Furthermore, solutions developed by our teams is aimed at facilitating the whole process of data management.

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It's no secret that “smart” operations of the IoT solutions, such as processing, commanding, and analytics, take place in the cloud. And here is where our specialists contribute to the long, productive, and pain-free functioning of our clients’ IoT devices, delivering well-thought-out cloud solutions that allow enjoying the best of what such innovations as IoT have on offer.

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Choosing the Deployment Model
We offer
At Elinext, we strongly believe that when it comes to cloud computing services, there is no “one size fits all” solution. For this reason, we practice a customized approach, addressing the unique computing and data storage requirements of each client. We offer our clients to choose between the following deployment models:
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Public Cloud
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At Elinext, we consider public clouds to be the best pick in cases when:

  • A company is facing a short-term need in a solution capable of meeting large resource requirements;
  • Resource requirements are likely to evolve;
  • A solution is required to be highly scalable.
Private Cloud
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We suggest choosing a private cloud when:

  • A client needs an application for data management, including analytic solutions and virtual desktops;
  • Sharing of data with third parties is supposed to take place exactly in the private cloud;
  • A solution will utilize sensitive data that requires a high level of security.
Hybrid Cloud
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We consider hybrid clouds as the best option for:

  • Medium-size businesses and enterprises, and some small businesses expecting large growth in the nearest future;
  • Clients who are ready to provide resources, either in-house or outsourced, for IT support;
  • Businesses with large data usage and high-security needs.

Tools & Technologies

We use
When creating cloud applications, our developers take advantage of a range of technologies that help them in building robust, secure, efficient solutions.
Client-Side Components
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  • HTML5;
  • JavaScript;
  • XML;
  • Silverlight;
  • Flash.
Cloud Platforms
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  • GCP;
  • AWS;
  • Azure.
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  • MongoDB;
  • MySQL;
  • PostgreSQL;
  • InfluxDB.
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